Monday, April 30, 2012

Wood Floor Cleaning Option #1

Good Morning!  We hope everyone had a great weekend and having a great week so far!  I thought we would start off the week talking in a little more detail about the three different cleaning options available by professional wood floor cleaning companies.  Now there are some companies that only offer one, maybe two options. This is usually because they either have not been trained on all three options, or just don't have the skills to complete the last option correctly.  Today we will go over the intensive cleaning option, and later in the week we talk about the other two.

To begin, lets differentiate between a wood floor cleaning company and a wood floor installer company.  The wood floor cleaning company can be compared to a carpet cleaning company.  You would call this company to help maintain the health and look of your floors.  The wood floor installer company would then be compared to the carpet installer company.  This company comes to your home to install the floor, and maybe even repair certain sections that cannot be corrected by simple maintenance techniques.  

What many people don't realize, is that wood floor cleaning companies don't sand your floors down.  They actually use a commercial prep/cleaning machine on your floors.  This machine has a large brush that rotates and scrubs the dirt out of the floor while green products, not harmful to wood floors, are lightly sprayed and then sucked back up into the machine by the vacuum mechanism.  Below you can see a picture of the machine Wichita Wood Floor Cleaning utilizes to clean wood floors.

With the intensive cleaning option the floors are scrubbed with the machine using a product called I.F.T., which is an intensive cleaner.  This product gets all the grit and grime off the floor and from between the boards.  The floor is then scrubbed again using a product called Squeaky, which is a commercial floor cleaner.  This product neutralizes the floor, and actually makes the floor so clean it "squeaks!"   The floor is then tack cleaned with a microfiber cleaning pad and commercial grade cleaner.

Basically this option is to simply get the dirt off the floor.  When regular sweeping and dry mopping just aren't cutting it for your floor, this is the perfect option for you.  It will get all the contaminants off the floor, and bring the life back.  This option would be compared to a carpet cleaning company coming out and only cleaning your carpets.  Not adding a scotchguard option to protect your floors for later accidents, but definitely  making them look a lot cleaner!  

Later this week we will go into the two other options, how they work, and how they can help your floors.  Our goal is to help educate home owners on all their wood floor maintenance options.  This is such a new concept to most people, we want everyone to feel comfortable and educated before making any decisions concerning their wood floors.  We understand how much of an investment wood floors are, and we want to be here to help you protect you investment.  Feel free to call our office with any questions you may have at 316.747.4066, or visit our website at


  1. I really appreciate this post. I have been looking all over for this! Thank goodness I found it on Bing. You have made my day! Thanks again.

    1. No problem! Let us know if you would like to chat or have any questions. Have a great day!
