Monday, October 19, 2015

What it Means to Hire a Certified Wood Floor Contractor

Contractors.... for some people just the word gives them the goosebumps!  When you have a big project (like wood floors) that need to be completed around the house or office, you have a few different choices.  You can either try to do it yourself, or you can hire someone.  Most of the time when it comes to projects such as wood floors, YouTube videos or other publications may make it seem pretty easy.  So there are a select few that will attempt to tackle the project on their own. 80% of the time after about a days worth of work they are on the phone trying to find a contractor to get the project completed.

Once the decision has been made to use a contractor, most people start stressing out trying to find the right one.  This is completely understandable.  Not only are you allowing someone you do not know into your home, you are allowing them basically to do surgery on your home and trusting them to meet your expectations of what you want completed.  How do you even begin to try to find someone that can meet this criteria while being a stranger that you need to trust?

The National Wood Flooring Association has you covered!  The NWFA is a non-profit that was founded simply to provide the best education and sources for anything that deal with Wood Floors.  For contractors that want to be serious about wood floors, the NWFA provides several different level classes.  Anything from wood floor basics to advanced level installing or finishing classes, even classes on how to sell the proper wood floor product to a customer.

Before the classes begin, the contractor must take it upon themselves to read up on the manuals and be mentally prepared for the classes.  Once arrived, the students do hands on work with the wood.  By the end of the week long class, the student must prove their knowledge by showing their craftsmanship as well as taking a written test.  If they pass both sections, they then become certified for whichever class they took.  The tests are not simple, and will really test the student on all different aspects of the course.  Not everyone that takes the courses, pass them.

Thankfully though, the NWFA does list these fine contractors on their website for the consumer to find a certified contractor to help them with their hard wood flooring needs.  You can simply go to: and search for what you are needing in the area you live in.  Simply choose what you need (installer, sand & finisher, etc.), the mileage range and your zip code.  If for some reason you do not have a certified person in your area, you can call the office and they would be more than happy to assist you in your search of a qualified contractor.

(This picture is of a floor installed by our very own
Jesse Sample @ Wichita Wood Floor Specialists.
This floor is located in the NWFA's corporate office.)

So next time you hire a wood flooring contractor, be sure to ask them if they are certified through the National Wood Flooring Association.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at Wichita Wood Floor Specialists or call us at 316-747-4066.  We love to talk wood!